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Tūwharetoa partnership Acquires Iconic Huka Prawn Park in Taupō

E Tūwharetoa e!
Kia āta whakatere i te waka
Kei mōnehunehu te kura
Kei pariparia e te tai

Kia whakamārotia atu anō ka whakahokia mai ki

Te Kapua Whakapīpī
Ka mate kāinga tahi
Ka ora kāinga rua

Te Kiri o Moehau Partnership proudly announce the acquisition of the renowned Huka  Prawn Park in Taupo, with the ownership transfer set to take place on 19 June 2024.  This marks the beginning of an exciting chapter for this unique local attraction, well  known for its innovation with the introduction of ‘Prawn Growing and Prawn Fishing’, and  its blend of family leisure, riverside dining and adventure. 

The partnership is a collaboration between Tupu Angitu, the commercial arm of the  Lake Taupo Forest Trust, and NETCOR 2, an arm of Wairakei Terraces & Thermal Health  Spa.  

Te Kiri o Moehau was the name given to the land encompassing the current Prawn Farm  operation and historically, was bordered by the Wairakei Stream, still flowing at the  northern end, and Te Kiri o Hinekai stream which once flowed at the southern end.  

A high priority for the partnership will be the reinstatement of Te Kiri o Hinekai stream to  its original mouth as closely as possible given the significant changes to the wider  landscape since the days the steam was free flowing into the Waikato River. Restoring  the Mana and returning the Mauri to Te Kiri o Hinekai has been a driving force. 

The new partnerships aspiration is to revitalise Huka Prawn Park into a premier  destination that combines tourism, education, health & wellbeing, with downstream  opportunities in employment, and family-friendly activities with a deep appreciation for  the Taiao (natural world).  

“Our vision is to create an environmentally sensitive and culturally engaging tourism  experience that honours the site’s rich history,” said Jim Hill, one of the directors of the  partnership. “We are dedicated to preserving the unique charm of this iconic attraction  while introducing culture and exciting new offerings that will give our visitors and  manuhiri an unforgettable experience.” 

Upcoming plans will include a large family hot pool and a toddlers pool, which will  incorporate a relaxing and recreational setting, suitable for all age groups. As part of the phased redevelopment, certain areas of the park will be temporarily closed, but the riverside restaurant and hatchery tours will continue to operate as normal. 

Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the redevelopment and the grand reopening of  the Huka Prawn Park. For more information and future announcements, please visit or follow us on social media. 

Media Contact: 

Olivia Poulsen (Tupu Angitu) – 

(M) 027 5664502
